What is the most used car brand in Germany?

The German car market is one of the largest in the world, with over 2.6 million vehicles sold in 2021. German car manufacturers are known for their high-quality vehicles, and the country is home to some of the most iconic car brands in the world. So, what is the most popular car brand in Germany?

The answer is Volkswagen, which has been the top-selling car brand in Germany for the past several years. In 2021, Volkswagen sold nearly 490,000 vehicles in Germany, accounting for nearly 19% of the total car market. This is a significant increase from 2020, when Volkswagen sold just over 437,000 vehicles.

Mercedes-Benz is the second most popular car brand in Germany, with over 225,000 vehicles sold in 2021. This is a slight decrease from 2020, when Mercedes-Benz sold nearly 230,000 vehicles. Audi is the third most popular car brand in Germany, with over 181,000 vehicles sold in 2021. This is a slight increase from 2020, when Audi sold just over 178,000 vehicles.

Other popular car brands in Germany include BMW, Opel, Ford, and Skoda. BMW sold over 156,000 vehicles in 2021, a slight decrease from 2020. Opel sold over 145,000 vehicles in 2021, a slight increase from 2020. Ford sold over 132,000 vehicles in 2021, a slight decrease from 2020. Skoda sold over 113,000 vehicles in 2021, a slight increase from 2020.

In conclusion, Volkswagen is the most popular car brand in Germany, followed by Mercedes-Benz and Audi. Other popular car brands in Germany include BMW, Opel, Ford, and Skoda. As the German car market continues to grow, these brands are likely to remain the top-selling car brands in the country.