What lasts longer BMW or Mercedes?

When it comes to longevity, BMW and Mercedes-Benz are two of the most reliable and durable car brands on the market. Both have a reputation for quality and reliability, but which one lasts longer?

The answer depends on several factors, including the model, age, and maintenance of the vehicle. Generally speaking, BMW models tend to last longer than Mercedes-Benz models.

Factors that Affect Longevity

The longevity of a car depends on a variety of factors, including the model, age, and maintenance of the vehicle. BMW and Mercedes-Benz both have models that are known for their longevity, but some models may last longer than others.

The age of the vehicle is also a factor. Older cars tend to have more problems and require more maintenance, which can affect their longevity.

Finally, the maintenance of the vehicle is also important. Regular maintenance can help extend the life of a car, while neglecting maintenance can cause problems and reduce the lifespan of the vehicle.

BMW vs. Mercedes-Benz

When it comes to longevity, BMW models tend to last longer than Mercedes-Benz models. This is due to the fact that BMWs are known for their quality and reliability, while Mercedes-Benz models are known for their luxury and comfort.

BMW models can last up to 200,000 to 250,000 miles, with an average lifespan of at least 15 years. On the other hand, Mercedes-Benz vehicles tend to last up to 150,000 to 200,000 miles with an average lifespan of over 10 years.


When it comes to longevity, BMW models tend to last longer than Mercedes-Benz models. This is due to the fact that BMWs are known for their quality and reliability, while Mercedes-Benz models are known for their luxury and comfort. However, the age, model, and maintenance of the vehicle can all affect the longevity of the car. Therefore, it is important to consider all of these factors when deciding which car brand is best for you.