Can a Soft Brush Scratch My Car?
It’s a question many car owners have asked themselves – can a soft brush scratch my car? The answer is yes, unfortunately. Even the softest of brushes can leave tiny scratches on the clear coat of the paint, called marring.
Marring can make the surface of your vehicle look dull over time instead of having a shiny, smooth surface. It’s important to be aware of the potential for marring and take the necessary precautions to avoid it.
What Causes Marring?
Marring is caused by the bristles of the brush rubbing against the clear coat of the paint. This can be especially true if the brush is used in a circular motion. The bristles can also be too stiff for the paint, leading to marring.
How Can I Avoid Marring?
The best way to avoid marring is to use a soft, microfiber cloth instead of a brush. Microfiber cloths are much gentler on the paint and will not cause marring.
If you must use a brush, make sure it is a soft brush with natural bristles. Synthetic bristles can be too stiff and cause marring. Also, make sure to use a light touch when brushing and avoid circular motions.
Marring can be caused by the bristles of a brush rubbing against the clear coat of the paint. To avoid marring, use a soft, microfiber cloth instead of a brush. If you must use a brush, make sure it is a soft brush with natural bristles and use a light touch when brushing. Don’t take the chance in scratching your car to find out.